Clamshell currently manages over
in construction projects
Concept Agreement between the employer and architect Nick and desk of Architectural project in construction site or office building with mining light

The right tool for the right job.

Most of us remember a parent, shop teacher, or mentor teaching us to choose "the right tool for the right job". They would tell us that it would make the job easier, and we'd get it done quickly and efficiently.

That's why we built Clamshell. It's the right tool for the right job.

Our Clamshell development team has a collective 150+ years of experience as general contractors. We have worked on projects with total values exceeding over a billion dollars. It's safe to say that we've used all of the tools out there. But we never quite found what we needed to solve our complex project accounting needs, so we made a new tool: Clamshell.

Clamshell is packed with features that make your job run more smoothly, keep your team on the same page, allow for quicker payments, and provide for a number of financial reports that keep you in tune with the overall health of your project.

Ready to find out more?

Contact us to get started!

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